ALTstudio is a One of the best consultant in Indonesia which engaged in the fields of architecture, landscape and interior. We formed from a variety of different disciplines on the same principle. Our vision and mission is to achieve quality, effectivity and inspiring people in our design. Quality is the strength, beauty and convenience. Effectiveness is any material that will be planned always follow the rules of form follow function. Inspire is a result of planning that can be useful both in the human and inspire creativity and culture of the surrounding environment. We already have a wide range of project experience's in Indonesia. Make us more confident to fullfill our client needs based on our vision and mission.
'Sesuai permintaan dan budget '
terima renovasi rumah perbaikan atau penggantian komponen yang rusak
'Makasih pagernya bagus, kuat juga, kerjanya rapih. Insya Allah saya rekomendasiin ke temen2 atau keluarga saya. Terima kasih banyak'
Penyedia jasa Bangun, renovasi, interior
'Good working, with empirical skill and knowledge update. Good Job, thanks Mr Andri and Sejasa'
Aneka Jasa Alumunium Melayani membuatan 1. Kusen,jendela,pintu swing,pintu sliding BAHAN 3" & 4" * HPM : 60rb/mtr & 70rb/mtr * ALCOMEX : 70rb/mtr & 80rb/mtr * ALEXINDO : 80rb/mtr & 90rb/mtr * YKK : 120rb/mtr & 130rb/mtr * SERAT KAYU : 120rb/mtr & 130/mtr 2. KACA Polos 5mm : 100rb/mtr Polos 6mm : 150rb/mtr Polos 8mm : 250rb/mtr Polos 10mm : 400rb/mtr Polos 12mm : 500rb/mtr Ryben 5mm : 125rb/mtr Es : 150rb/mtr Temperd 5mm : 225rb/mtr Temperd 6mm : 375rb/mtr Temperd 8mm : 550rb/mtr Temperd 10mm : 700rb/mtr Temperd 12mm : 900rb/mtr 3. CANOPI * Stat + zinc : 325rb/mtr * besi + zinc : 425rb/mtr * besi + poly carbonat : 600rb/mtr * besi + kaca 6mm : 800rb/mtr * besi + kaca 8mm : 1jt/mtr 4. GYPSUM * Plafond : 90rb/mtr * partisi 2 sisi : 180rb/mtr 5.APC seven * interior : 400rb/mtr * enterior PVDF : 650rb/mtr Melayani perorangan,subkon proyek Pekerjaan profesional kami Utamakan
'Sangat puas..pengerjaan cepat rapi Tepat waktu Thank sejasa'