Lines Art Production. Profesional Documentation Photography & Videography PHOTO & VIDEO SERVICE : ☑ Prewedding ☑ Wedding ☑ Video Clip ☑ Company Profile ☑ Food Photography ☑ Graduation ☑ Photo product ☑ Family & Group ☑ Corporate Events ☑ Photo Session ☑ And more photo / video documentation Abadikan moment moment terbaikmu di Lines Art Production, agar semua moment mu terekam dengan baik dan menjadi kenangan indah di setiap waktu KEPUASAN ANDA MERUPAKAN KOMITMEN TERBESAR KAMI...!!!
Kami menyediakan jasa fotografi produk dan berbagai macam jenis fotografi lainnya seperti wedding/prewedding, makanan, portrait/profile, event/dokumentasi, digital imaging, kursus fotografi, kursus photoshop, dan sebagainya.
'Hasil melampaui gambaran saya. Seseorang yang begitu cekatan profesional dan kreatif di bidangnya. Ga ragu lagi, project berikutnya akan saya limpahkan ke agan yang satu ini lagi. '
Lea Photography Vendor di yg memiliki team profesional photographer & videographer untuk Wedding Prewedding dan event dokumentasi (kantor ,ultah & lamaran). Kami pun juga bersedia jika klien butuh untuk diluar kota For fast respond Wa : ********824 (lea) Instagram : @Lnnphotography Facebook Fanpage LNN Photography
'Saya menggunakan jasa LNN photography puas sekali 1. sangat2 ontime hadir 30 menit sebelum acara d mulai malah aku yang ga enak dateng acaranya telat 2. pengeditan di kirim cepat dan sangat ontime bilang hari A selesai dan langsung selesai 3. orangnya ( aku dengan Lea) ramah dan fun jadi foto juga tidak kaku 4. professional 5. foto yang hasilkan ok Makasih LNN photography especially Lea yang uda capture our moment ^^'
I have always been passionate about photography since as long as I can remember, but it’s not until 2011 that I refounded this long lost passion and decided to make a living out of it.
Since then, I have contribute my work to nation-wide printed media namely Hai Magazine, Kawanku & Ridebike Indonesia. My work has also been featured in other media such as Free! Magazine, August Man & Premio Magazine. Beside numerous editorial work, I've done several commercial work with clients ranging from governmental, hospitality services and the music industry.
As a photographer, I specialised in portrait photography and I have handled big names like Ahmad Dhani, Daniel Mananta and Sophia Latjuba among others. I also shoot numerous events photography and have been trusted to document events for UNICEF, USAID and US Cotton to name a few.
For events photography I used a wi-fi enabled camera, so the pictures I shot are available immediately through a cloud storage service like Dropbox or Google Drive. I also provide printed photo books, regular album or a digital album as part of my service.
'Excellent service. A very nice guy to work with. Will definitely use him again next time...'